Vacant Lot/Land Online Booking

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Project Details

Agent's Firm Name As Registered With The NC Real Estate Commission * required
Agents licensee’s state(s) * required
Agent License Number * required
Are you a REALTOR® (NRA Member)
Property Status * required
Property Access * required
Combo Box Code (No Supra Access)
Alarm Code & Location
Neighborhood Gate Code
Are there any parking restrictions in the neighborhood/community? * required
Shooting Instructions, Requested Shots/Angles or Other Special Request.
We typically do not shoot closets, utility rooms, attic storage or garages unless requested. Pls let us know if you need photos of these areas.
Commercial Agent's Firm's Name As Registered With The NC Real Estate Commission * required
Commercial Agent Licensee's State(s) * required
Commercial Agent License Number * required
Commercial Property Access * required
Commercial Onsite Contact Person * required
Commercial Onsite Parking * required
Commercial Special Shooting Instruction
Style of furniture you want in the room * required
Room Name/Names or Gallery Photo # to be Virtual Staged- $25 Per Photo * required
Photo Name/Names or Gallery Photo # for Additional Edits * required
Details on Requested Edits by Room/Photo Name/Gallery # * required
Flooring Replacement Type and Color * required
Wall Color Change - New Wall Color Requested
Number of Stories
Garage Size * required
Year Built * required
Fireplace replacement request * required
TV screen replacement request * required
Amenities located in neighborhood and run by HOA. All amenities are located in common areas and not on private property.
Are the amenities located in a country club or other private club for members only? (The Point, The The Peninsula, River Run, Northstone, Trilogy, Peninsula Yacht Club, Bermuda Run, etc.) * required
If amenities are located in a Country Club or Private Club, agent has contacted the country club or private club management and received approval for photographer to enter and photograph amenities? * required
Agent to provide country club or private club staff contact info. and phone number for photographer to ask for when they arrive on site. * required
Agent understands that if the photographer is asked to stop/leave while shooting amenities the agent may not receive amentities photos but will still be charged the full amount for the shoot.
Type of amenities and location of amenities * required
How will the photographer access the amenities?
Date requested for first and date requested for second shoot
Type of property to be measured? * required
Gallery Photo #'s or Name Of Photos for Royalty-Free Licensing
If on Septic, how many bedrooms is the property permitted for?
Do You want unheated and storage areas add to the floor plan? * required
Client understands the photos will be delivered by the end of the next business day. Weekends and Holidays are not included in business days and not included in delivery times. * required
Client understands the photos will be delivered by the end of the next business day. Additional media could take 2 business days after the shoot to deliver. * required
Client understands because they have selected True Twilight photos, the turn around time will be 2 business days. Weekends and Holidays are not business days and not included in delivery times. * required
Client understands 3D tours media could take 2 business days after the shoot to process and deliver. * required
Client understands measurements and floor plans will take 1 to 2 business days after the measurements are completed. Weekends and Holidays are not business days and not included in delivery times. * required
Client/Agent understands that solar lighting is not suitable for true twilight photos and not recommended as the primary source of lighting for true twilights. * required

Additional Information

Please enter anything else we may need to know (i.e. gate code, special feature of the home to make sure we get, etc.)

Payment Information

Travel Fee
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Travel Fee
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All amounts are in USD
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Mark Jacobs Media Productions